Friday, August 1, 2014

Reasons for non transmission of COD Delivered amount from Delivery Office to the Payment Office .

1) Submit Account not done in Postman module:  In Postman module, the Supervisor has to perform Submit Account for each Postman beat.  This process will cross check as to whether the amount of all COD articles delivered by that beat postman has been credited to the Treasurer or not.  COD delivered data in r/o the beats for which submit account has been done, will be transmitted to ePayment server for further transmission to Payment office.  It is further to state that Postman module will not allow to perform day end without completing the Submit Account of all the beats.
Solution:  The case has to be reported to CEPT for providing suitable solution.
2) BO Verification not done in Postman module:  In Postman module, Supervisor has to perform verification of the amount in r/o all the COD articles delivered by the Branch Post Offices attached to the HO/SO.  This is similar to the Submit Account for the local delivered articles.   The BO Verification process will cross check as to whether the amount of all COD articles delivered by each Branch Post Office has been credited to the Accounts w.r.t. the SO Summary in Sub Accounts module.  COD delivered data in r/o the Branch Post offices for which verification has been done, will be transmitted to ePayment server for further transmission to Payment office.  It is further to state that Postman module will not allow to perform day end, if BO Verification is pending against any particular Branch Post Office.
Solution:  BO Verification can be done at any later date also by the Postman Supervisor, by selecting the concerned Account Date i.e., BO Summary Date.
3) Office became inactive in ePayment:   The delivery office might have become inactive in ePayment server.  This may be due to the change of the ePayment communication machine  by the Post Office, for one reason or the other.  The ePayment server will take the data being communicated by the registered communication machine only.  If the earlier registered ePayment communication machine is changed by the Post Office, then the COD articles delivered by that Post Offices will not be taken as authenticated by the ePayment Server.   
Solution: The Divisional System Administrator has to re-register the office in ePayment website using the same machine which has transmitted the COD data.   Then the ePayment server will re-process the data earlier received by it again.
4) Configuration in Treasury module at Payment Post Office:   If the payment office is newly identified for making payment to any COD payments, then configuration of PoS server name and Service Tax details is to be done in Treasury module at Payment office.   Further, the work distribution to the treasurer for making COD payment is to be done. In some cases, it is observed that these configurations are not done resulting issue of non availability of Payment data in Treasury module for the COD billers.
Solution:  The configuration as mentioned above has to be done in Treasury module of the Payment Office.
5) Last Call status in ePayment:  Many offices are not running the ePayment Communication application on daily basis, without which the data will not get transmitted to ePayment server, even though entire delivery process is completed as per the procedure.  An MIS report viz.,”Offices Not Called” is available in the ePayment Website which shows the list of Post Offices which have not run the ePayment communication since last 24 hours.   The ePayment Communication application can be either scheduled OR run manually.
Solution: The ePayment Communication application need to be scheduled atleast twice a day.   The above mentioned MIS report is available division wise.  The Divisional heads have to ensure that all the ePayment offices in their division are running the ePayment Communication application on daily basis.

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