Saturday, September 27, 2014

Testing of SP-COD articles; Total confusion made severe headache

Dummy SP-COD articles made sever headache today in all most all offices where it received. The process of live testing cannot be completed in majority of offices due to confusion regarding despatch of Returned Sender SP-COD articles.  Most of them were failed to send the same through Despatch module.

Proper instructions regarding the despatch of SP-COD articles were not circulated through proper channel. Even though the instruction was available in the CEPT ftp site, the information was not reached in the Post Office level. 

The speed post centres received SP-COD articles through their regular bag which normally includes articles to be delivered under the area of some other sub-offices.  But these articles cannot be transferred to postman module.  This was another confusion in this regard.

The ‘Returned to sender’ SP-COD articles should be despatched through SpeedNet module.  No need to fetch these articles from Postman module to SpeedNet.  It can close the speed post bag including these RTS SP-COD articles after taking returns in Postman module.

Procedure for Delivery of SP-COD articles:

1.  Receive the SP-COD articles through the regular process - viz., bag receipt, bag opening and article scanning options in Speednet software.

2.  Transfer the SP-COD articles to Meghdoot Postman module using the 'SP COD Transferto Meghdoot Postman' option available under 'Operator --> Delivery' menu.

3.  Invoice two SP-COD article to Postman and take returns with one SP-COD article shown as delivered and another shown as Returned to Sender.

4.  Deposit one SP-COD article to effect Window delivery.

5.  Invoice one SP-COD article to BOs and take returns after one day.

6.  Do the submit accounts for Postman module, run ePayment Communication and Speednet Communication at regular intervals ensuring that there are no issues in transmission/receipt of files.

7.  Dispatch the Returned to Sender SP-COD article through Speednet module.

     i.  In case, dispatch of RTS SP-COD article is not allowed, check whether the submit accounts process is completed and Speednet communication has been run or not.

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